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I am not an athletic person. Hurdles come up to my armpit, and it takes me twice as many steps to get anywhere as most people as I have short legs. Running is not my forte. Nonetheless, when Mr JoLucy pointing out that a 5k run was going almost past our door coincided with a conversation with my Grandma about fundraising for her charity, I decided to take the hint, get off my bottom and get running.

I was really quite apprehensive about the whole thing – I only agreed to  5k run because I knew I could walk it if necessary. I hadn’t done any running for over a year because I’d decided that having Mr JL lap me three times before the end of the road was just not the fun way I wanted to spend my time.

But since then I’ve been making regular trips to the gym so, while he wasn’t looking, I went and got on the treadmill, just to see…. I came home very pleased with my self, having managed to do 5k in 44 minutes and still walk the mile home after. I then spent the best part of two weeks working in London, but surprised my self (and the friend I was staying with, who really doesn’t approve and is very wise) by doing two more practice runs.

All seemed to be going well and I’d secured well over £100 in sponsorship so far, but then a series of disasters struck:

1) I discovered it was a 5 mile race!

2) The race got cancelled (secretly very relieved)

3) The race I entered instead involved wearing my pants over my shorts.

The big day came, and Mr JL only lapped me once. The fear of coming last drove me on and I managed to finish in the respectable time of 34 minutes – 10 off my last recorded best!

Most importantly, I managed to raise over £200 for charity – Heritage House in Wells-Next-the-Sea.  Thanks to everyone who sponsored me, your money will be well spent helping improve the quality of life for the elderly and frail in Norfolk.

Now, time for a good sit down I think!

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