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It’s been a long time since I blogged last, and I feel bad for that, as I promised to keep it regular this time. But, be assured that I’ve not even had time to comment on the work blog, and I sort of get paid for that. So, you may ask what’s been keeping me so busy? where have I been? why have I deserted you? Fear not. Here is a summary:

July – went to London, met editor of VanillaPlus (not about cake, sadly), met some clients, stayed with the Wise One, met Bridesmaids so they could try on their dresses (one was late. If you know who they are you’ll know which it was)had the gas meter read (which they promptly lost) had the work summer party (lunch – good, 10-pin-bowling – lost, pub – drank, mexican – ate, drank, wore silly hats, sang along with Gypsy Kings), got lost in the shopping centre in Leicester, almost took the bumper of a ford Ka trying to squeeze Tank into a small space, picked up wedding dress, took to Norfolk, miscalculated ribbon and organza with Zoe, went to the dentist for the first time in ??7?? years, had sore mouth, learnt some Italian, went to France (canoed lots, camped on a mountain, they don’t speak Italian there though). *takes deep breath…*

August – came home from France, got cold, paid for wedding, got more cold, learnt more Italian, spoke to more clients, got hair cut, had hen night (not quite what I’d got planned, but definitely what my ‘sisters’ had got planned), avoided my local pub in shame, went to London for meeting which was cancelled (swore some, but visited the Wise One, so all was not lost), arranged wedding ceremony with registrar, went to London for cancelled meeting (yes, again, swore a bit more) had wisdom tooth issues, ‘broke’ my jaw, got even worse cold and hacking cough (not the blog by Chris Edwards)

September – Won battle with above mentioned idiot gas company, when they admitted that I do not owe them £570, but they in fact owe me £215, went to Party, managed to accidently be rude to a few guests, encouraged drinking of birch wine and pear liqueur, ate vegetarian kebab, went to Chester with blonde and ginger children and rode on a small train, rode larger train to London with something of a hangover promising not to drink again, went to press event with client, took journalists to Vinopolis (where there’s really nothing to do but drink) went for chinese with Wise One and Sarahthegreat (drank more wine) went to happy Cider pub, drank cider, did not steal kittens, reflected that bid to give up drinking had not, thus far, been wholly successful, bought drinks for work people to celebrate up coming wedding, didn’t make a cake or a guide book, had curry, saw Mr Poi Hoo and rejoiced in his company, spent too much time in Jury’s Inn in Heathrow, (a godforsaken place), ate very good roast dinner (mid week!) decided wedding is off and that I’m actually going to move in with Wise One and let her cook for me (and teach her how to bake cakes) realised that it has been forever since I blogged, so though I’d best do so.

Now – I think that brings us mostly up to date. If you’re interested I can tell you my next plans are:

Go to the office, speak to work people, get on the train to go back Oop North, tut at state of house after a week of boy alone in it, get hair cut, pick up freshly cleaned engagement ring, finish writing cards for wedding, pack suitcase, do 2 days of work, get on plane (with Nearly-Mother-in-law), go to Norwich, show NMIL the sights, have BIG massage, organise venue, pick up suits, get married, do a little dance, climb some mountains, change my name……

That’s mostly it, I don’t want to do anything else after that. oh, except Win lottery. phew.

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